
El poder secreto del cuadro azul ha presentado sus dos nuevos logotipos:
Nuevo logo de Torresburriel
El otro:
Logo 2 de Torresburriel
A partir de los comentarios generados he encontrado este enlace, que dice:

There are logos out there that you don’t need to love. They don’t contain elegant drawings or trendy swooshes or cute double meanings. Some companies like GM, American Express, GAP, Goldman Sachs and many others simply opt for the Blue Square. These companies use more than one Blue Square. These companies even named themselves Blue Square.

The Blue Square combines simple and powerful geometry with a calming and corporate color. The Blue Square focuses attention on perhaps the most important part of the brand, the name. The Blue Square is impactful. Lippincott Mercer has used the Blue Square for forty years selling five of them since the 60’s. Is the Blue Square Timeless?

What is the trade-off? Great logos can add meaning and personality to a brand. Does the Blue Square put too much pressure on other touchpoints to do this? Are these companies missing an opportunity or have they discovered the secret power of the Blue Square?

Gran verdad, pero… ¿Habéis visto la nueva cabecera que diseñé?

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